At the end of the hallway you find the Master Suite.
It has a walk-in closet and full bathroom.
It is actually much larger than this picture portrays. Makes me want a king size bed! Basically all that I have right now to put in it is a bed and small dresser so the possibilities are endless. The ceiling fan has to go!
This closet is perfect for an organizer like me... everything will have its place.
This bathroom needs a little updating. My favorite part is the shower and it has great pressure!

Jan. 1: This is what the bedroom looks like currently, which to some my seem to be finished, but it is a long ways away from being done.
The to-do list looks a little like this:
*Replace the overhead lighting
*Hang a canopy of curtains around the bed
*Add dramatic curtains to the windows
*Create artwork and shadow boxes for walls
*Paint the closet and organize
*Make tuffed headboard
*Buy much needed:
dressers, chaise, and mismatched side tables
grey comforter and matching set

Feb. 18: The next project ensued and was completed on the same day. Two pieces of molding and very reliable screws were all that was needed to create this pinterest inspired piece. A very necessary organizational piece for the closet was secured to the wall, it is for my shoes!
to come...
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