It flows from the living room and connects to the kitchen & back deck.
It is the second focus because I would like to eat at a table soon.
Thanks to Sam Denton and his friend Ernie for helping me haul all of my belongings from Murfreesboro to my new hometown of Hermitage early in the morning (And for the lawnmower)! Also, thanks to Andrew Riney for setting up my 16' Penske truck rental because without his help it might not have happened since they were overbooked.
This is the first official use of my dining room.
Post moving we were surprised with some much needed fuel, delicious hawaiian bread ham sandwiches and chips(MMM) made by the lovely Sandie Glover... who was also the photographer that took all of these pictures - Thanks!
Post moving we were surprised with some much needed fuel, delicious hawaiian bread ham sandwiches and chips(MMM) made by the lovely Sandie Glover... who was also the photographer that took all of these pictures - Thanks!
Great wallpaper.. sad that I have another vision for this room. Vibrance!

Super special thanks to Savannah Shirley for you help all day!!!!!!!
Dec. 5: The real gold chandelier was taken down after much struggle, but luckily Johnny found electrical tape to put on the live wires that are hanging down. The ceiling was painted along with the living room. Also, all of the wallpaper was removed thanks the recommendation of a blue product called DIF. Unfortunately it appears that there are other layers of unknown material to remove, but that will require more powerful tools than a scorer, scrapper, and elbow grease.
This is getting complicated.
Dec.6: Attempted to wash the walls with warm water in order to remove wallpaper adhesive residue, but it doesn't seem to want to cooperate.
<------Also, adding Wainscoting under the chair rail
Dec. 26: Meg and I started and completed the striping process which took a little bit of tweeking. The original idea was to have a flat and gloss of the exact same color, but it turned out that there was basically no difference when painted on the walls. Trip two to the Home Depot proved to be pointless because adding a tint changed the color to a brownish grossness. I was becoming discouraged, but as a last attempt bought a slightly darker green and as soon as we put it on the walls we knew that it was perfect. The green against the white really looks better than I could have imagined.
Mar. 26: Exactly four months after completely the room I found a light fixture! The cut glass and dark color really go with the feel of the house, classiness. (And it works!)
Had to of course paint that blue eye sore white and now the doors complete the rooms crisp look. And a new light!
Need to add some stuff to the walls, but almost done.
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